Renato Brunetti BoD President & CEO

Born in Rome on 12 November 1952. His career in ICT began in 1970 as an expert in IT systems and software projects, working in research, development and marketing in companies in the IT sector. In 1985 he founded Unidata along with two partners who remain in the company; focusing on microinformatics, networks and system integration.
Renato was one of the frontrunners in Italy to deal with the Internet, and in 1994 became one of the first consultants in the ISP sector. He is President of the NaMeX Consortium and Vice President of AIIP, the Association of Italian Internet Providers. He has been Chairman of the Board of Directors since December 2002.
Marcello Vispi Vice BoD Vice President

Born in Rome on 11 October 1954. Involved in the ICT sector since 1970 as an expert in information systems and software projects, he became interested in the development of PC operating systems, the creation of software applications and Research and Development for companies in the IT sector.
Marcello is one of the founding partners of Unidata. He was Operations Director at Cable & Wireless for two years, and has been Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors since December 2002.
Giampaolo Rossini Administrator

Paolo Bianchi Administrator

Born in Rome on May 27, 1986, after classical studies he graduated in Economics from the Sapienza University of Rome and then obtained a master’s degree from the LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome. In 2013 he was Administrative Secretary of the Italian Internet Provider Association (AIIP), under the presidency of Renato Brunetti.
He has been at Unidata since 2015 as Assistant to the Chairman, Coordinator of Communication Activities and, more recently, as Assistant to Investor Relations. Since 2022 he has been the Risk Manager and Impact Manager of Unidata.
He holds an executive master’s degree from the LUISS Business School in Project Management and an executive master’s degree in Content Marketing organized by the Ninja Academy together with the Salesian University of Venice (IUSVE).
Maurizio Tucci Advisor

Maurizio Tucci, born in Naples on 12 August 1958, is a renowned manager with a degree in Economics and Business from the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’, where he graduated with honours.
Over the last twenty years he has held high-level positions as General Manager, Managing Director, Board Member and Chairman in medium-large companies in the ICT, Aerospace, Defence, Finance and Transport sectors. Since 2016, he has been President of Cyber Security Platform and, since 2014, Board Member of U-Avitalia and Sole Director of CIMAF. Previously, he led Alitalia Maintenance Systems, SELEX Communications and Alenia Spazio.
He was Senior Advisor to the Chairman of Finmeccanica and held management positions at Nortel Networks, BULL Group Computers and Ericsson Telecommunications. In addition, he is Chairman of Banca Impresa Lazio and lectures at the LUMSA University of Rome.
Alessandra Bucci Independent Director

A Marketing and Sales Director with over 25 years’ experience in the fields of fast-moving consumer goods (Unilever), pharmaceuticals (Bristol Myers Squibb) telecommunications (TIM) and railways (Trenitalia). After graduating with honours in Economics and Commerce from La Sapienza University of Rome, she gained valuable experience in marketing with Unilever, where she was responsible for food products and retail policies.
After two years in the pharmaceuticals sector (Marketing Director of medical devices at BMS), she spent a prolonged period at TIM, managing all systems of B2C and B2B marketing, CRM and sales policies for both mobile and fixed telephony. Alessandra also gained experience as Head of Sales at Trenitalia, where she handled pricing and revenue management, introduced and developed CRM and guided direct and indirect distribution at both national and international level.
She is currently the strategy consultant for large and medium-sized service companies. A lecturer on Marketing at several universities (La Sapienza, Luiss Guido Carli, Roma Tre, Polimi), she was a temporary lecturer in Marketing and Communication at the Management Department of La Sapienza University’s faculty of Economics and Commerce. Alessandra is a voluntary consultant for various non-profit organisations, as well as Marketing Delegate for the Italian Environment Fund, Rome section.
Barbara Ricciardi Independent Director

Barbara Ricciardi was born in Rome on September 1, 1965 and graduated in Economics and Business from the University of Rome La Sapienza. She qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1994 and has been enrolled in the Register of Auditors since 1999. She carries out her professional activity on her own, assisting clients in corporate and fiscal matters, she is a Permanent and Substitute Auditor in national companies and Legal Auditor of the Order of Architects of Rome.
She has been a member of the Assembly of Delegates of the Cassa di Previdenza ed Assistenza dei Dottori Commercialisti since 2016 and until 2024. She is an associate of Nedcommunity-Associazione italiana amministratori non esecutivi e indipendenti (Italian Association of Non-Executive and Independent Directors) and participated in the third refresher course The Effective Board (TEB) organized by AIDC Sezione Milano and Nedcommunity.
Stefania Argentieri Piuma Board member

Cassation Lawyer, graduated from LUISS – Guido Carli University with 110/110 cum laude, Master’s degree in Corporate Law at the LUISS – Guido Carli School of Management.
She has developed a significant experience in commercial law also by performing ongoing legal and corporate consultancy in favour of companies; telecommunications antitrust (follow-on and stand-alone actions); assistance and defence of companies operating in the Telecommunications sector in regulatory proceedings before independent authorities; experience in leading law firms operating in the insurance and banking sectors; responsible for civil litigation in the public and private procurement sectors.
She currently manages, at Consap S.p.A, a guarantee fund owned by the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy and also provides legal support directly to the current CEO.
Luca Annibaletti Board member

Luca Annibaletti is a chartered accountant and auditor with over 30 years of experience in corporate finance and debt restructuring. Since January 2015, he has been working as an independent professional, specialising in investment banking and debt restructuring, holding roles as independent director, chief restructuring officer, liquidator and financial advisor.
He gained 28 years of experience at two of the ‘Big Four’ companies, acquiring a solid expertise in corporate finance and developing an extensive network of relationships and expertise in various industries. From June 2021 to March 2023, he was coordinator of MiMIT’s corporate crisis structure. Annibaletti is also a speaker at courses and conferences and author of publications on the subject.
Pierluigi Scibetta Chairman of the Board of Auditors since October 2007
Antonia Coppola Acting Auditor since May 2017
Luigi Rizzi Acting Auditor since April 2023
Comitato Controllo, Rischi e Remunerazione della Società
Barbara Ricciardi Presidente, Amministratore indipendente
Stefania Argentieri Piuma Amministratore indipendente
Alessandra Bucci Amministratore indipendente
Comitato Nomine e Operazioni con Parti Correlate
Barbara Ricciardi Presidente ad interim, Amministratore indipendente
Stefania Argentieri Piuma Amministratore indipendente
Alessandra Bucci Amministratore indipendente
Comitato per la Corporate Governance e Sostenibilità
Alessandra Bucci Presidente, amministratore indipendente
Barbara Ricciardi Amministratore indipendente
Stefania Argentieri Piuma Amministratore indipendente
Supervisory Board
Sergio Beretta Supervisory President

Sergio Beretta began his career in 1994 and worked for over fifteen years as an official/executive at major Italian listed groups in the financial, insurance, and real estate sectors (Eni, Generali, Unicredit). In 2009, he decided to make his experience available to complex economic entities, both public and private, as a Chartered Accountant and Legal Auditor, taking on roles of increasing responsibility, including in listed companies.
He has served as Chairman of the Board of Directors and Independent Director of several asset management companies (SGR/SIM) with a mandate for the Internal Control System. Currently, he is Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors/Standing Auditor of various supervised companies (Amissima Assicurazioni, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, Enav, Groupama, HDI Assicurazioni, Infocamere, Kairos, Vertis).
He is an Inspector for the F.I.G.C. and holds positions as head of Anti-Money Laundering, Compliance, Risk Management, and Internal Auditing functions in supervised companies. Additionally, he is an auditor appointed by the Holy See and has managed authorization procedures and document drafting for some supervised entities. He is a member of Advisory Committees and Supervisory Bodies under Legislative Decree 231/2001 in listed companies.
Appointed by the Ministry of Economic Development as Judicial Commissioner and member of the Supervisory Committee of companies in Extraordinary Administration under Legislative Decree 270/1999, Sergio is also an author of publications on the Internal Control System and a founding partner of GIM Legal STA S.r.l., a company specialized in regulatory consulting in the insurance, financial, and real estate sectors.
Maria Teresa Colacino Supervisory Member

Degree in Economics and Commerce from the University of Rome “La Sapienza” in 1993. After approximately 13 years of experience in corporate administration, serving as Head of Administration and Management Control in various companies, since 2008, she has been involved in Organization and Governance, Business Planning and Strategy, and all aspects related to the “administrative liability of entities” under Legislative Decree 231/2001.
Currently, in several companies, she holds positions as a member of the Supervisory Body under Legislative Decree 231/2001 and provides consultancy services on administration/management control for various medium to large companies across different production sectors.
She is a speaker at courses and conferences on Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance, and is an expert in drafting, implementing, and reviewing Organizational and Management Models and related company protocols and procedures. She designs specific training plans on Legislative Decree 231/2001. She conducts audits on business processes and specific operational procedures; monitors business performance through the study and control of economic and financial trends, financial statement analysis, budgeting, and reporting.
She has been a board member since 2017 at Forensics Group-Legal & Forensics Advisors, an association dedicated to the dissemination, advancement, and application of legal and forensic technical knowledge.
Marco Conti Supervisory Member

Graduated in Law from the Alma Mater Studiorum of Bologna in 2015, he continued his studies, earning a diploma with honors from the School of Specialization for Legal Professions at the University of La Sapienza in Rome in 2017 and a Master’s in Economic Criminal Law in 2018. Admitted to the bar in 2019, he has collaborated with prestigious law firms, specializing in corporate criminal law.
He provides assistance and consultancy for supervised entities and issuers on matters of administrative liability under Legislative Decree 231/2001, preparing Organizational Models and participating in Supervisory, Anti-Money Laundering, and Market Abuse bodies.
He publishes articles on criminal law in Sole24Ore. He has been a member of the professional association AODV231 since 2020.
Independent Auditors