Top Management


Renato Brunetti

President and CEO

Founding Partner of Unidata and Chairman of the Board of Directors since 2002. In the ICT sector since 1970. Renato is President of the NaMeX Consortium and Vice President of AIIP, the Association of Italian Internet Providers.

Claudio Bianchi

Data Center Manager

Founding Partner of Unidata. Forty-six years of experience in the ICT sector, with a particular focus on digital hardware platforms and microprocessors. Since 2001 Claudio has been Head of the Unidata Data Center.

Marcello Vispi

Vice President of Unidata

Founding Partner of Unidata. In the ICT sector since 1970, Marcello has been Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors since 2001.

Top Management

Giampaolo Rossini

Technical Director

Partner of Unidata since the early 2000s. Employed by the company since 1997 as technical manager of the Internet and Security division. Twenty-five years of experience in the ICT sector with a particular focus on the construction of backbone and access networks, telecommunications networks and connections to Internet security networks. Giampaolo spent a year at Cable & Wireless Italy as head of the Italian network. Since 2001 he has been Technical Director of Unidata.

Roberto Giacometti

CFO and Investor Relator

An engineer with extensive experience in the Administration and Finance, Planning and Control of various companies in the ICT, civil engineering, infrastructure and non-profit sectors, including Gruppo Finanziario Italiano SpA (GFI) of which he was CFO, Fi.La.S. SpA, Italconsult Srl, Tecno Holding SpA and Orizzonte Sgr SpA. Roberto has held the position of General Manager in numerous Italian and foreign companies, including Capital Società Finanziaria SpA and Fiordaliso Srl SB, and was Director of the National Secretariat of Agesci. He has been Chief Financial Officer of Unidata since September 2019.

Roberto Forte

Chief Commercial Officer

Manager with over 30 years of experience in the Telco – ICT field. He worked in Italy and abroad for important companies as TIM and Wind. In 2021, he was appointed Head of Digital for the development and digitization of the services of Milano-Cortina 2026 Foundation. He joined Unidata in 2023 as Chief Commercial Officer, responsible for business development.

Lorenzo Lombardi D’Aquino

Chief Human Resources Officer

Professional and Manager of Human Resources Area for 27 years, Journalist, Accountant, he took the first steps of his career at Telecom Italia Group. In 2013, he joined the Manpower Group where he reached the role of Chief Strategic Client Human Resources. He joined Unidata in 2023 as Chief Human Resources Officer.